
Tuesday, 28 May 2019

A Way Of Talking - Patricia Grace

Walt: think critically about a writer's style

A WAY OF TALKING - Review Imagine you are Rose/Rohe. Re-read page 3 of A WAY OF TALKING. Describe how Rose is feeling and what she is thinking after she hears Jane say ‘That’s Alan. He’s been down the road getting the Maoris for scrub cutting.’ I think that Rohe feels really flustered, but I think she is only trying to keep on the inside. She wanted to say something but I think she knew that she shouldn’t say anything, so she stayed focus on her cigarette. Task description: For this task we had to complete the presentation with full answers. As well as answering the question we also had to write down proof of what we are taking about and write it exactly how that author wrote it.  

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