
Friday, 17 February 2017

Problem Solving

Walt: follow instructions and present work to a high standard.

Task description: What we had to do for this task is first read the question. Then we had the  write in in our book, then write it in sentence form on our chromebooks.  

Bird Identifitaion

Walt: make connections across multiple texts.

Task description: What we had to do for this task, is write a report. Our report that we had to do was bird Identification. First we had to write how write the report on the first page. Then we had to fill in what the birds names were, what New Zealand Stautus, there weight and length. Wwe also had to write other information about that bird. Last we had to add alternative photo of that bird. We had to do that on every page.    

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Newspaper Tower

Walt: Write a recount about your experience.

Have you ever competed in a newspaper tower competition? Well today my teacher Mr Goodwin must have a really funny morning, and gave us the chance to compete in this competition. It was fun.

Once I heard that we were competing against each other in the Newspaper challenge, I got really excited. First we had to get into our groups.

Each team got a paper and a pencil to plan how they were going to build their tower. My groups plan didn’t work out. So we decided to come up with another plan, and this plan took for long to do. This plan worked out.

When we finished our plan Mr Goodwin put on a timer of 12 minutes, then we started building our tower. We started rolling up newspaper like a stick then we stacked it on top of each other and taped it. After that we  tape it to the ground to make it stay, but it didn’t work. So we decided to roll some paper up into a ball, and then put it in the middle of the newspaper stick. It started working but we ran out of time.

Unfortunately my team didn’t win, it was the boys team. Awathan, Hopa, Lepa, Deavay, and Justice. Mr Goodwin said that there will be a price for the winning team, and the price was glory. But luckily our team came second place. This activity was fun.

Task description: We had to write a recount about our newspaper tower. Mr Goodwin haad to tell us the instruction, then we went off to do our plan. After that we started building.      

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Problem Solving Week 1

Walt: follow instructions and present work to a high standard.

Task description: What I had to do for this task was write in my book how to solve this problem. Then we had to explain on our chromebooks in writing hpw we solved the problem.  

Chicken Flavoured Worms

WALT: write quality introductions.

Do you know what chicken flavored worms look and taste like? Well my teacher must've been really crazy and drank to much coffee today, because he fed our faces chicken flavored worms. I didn’t see that coming! :o

                                 Image abtribution:
Introduction Rubric

My introduction is boring.
It is difficult to read.
My introduction is easy to read and has some interest for my audience.
My audience is hooked into my subject, it grabs their interest so they feel like they want to read more.
When someone reads my introduction they are left feeling intrigued. They can't wait to read more.
My introduction does not tell the reader what my writing is going to be about.
My audience has some idea about what I am writing about.
My audience is clear what I am writing about.
My introduction lets the reader know the direction and purpose of my writing.

Task description: For this lesson we did a writing about chicken flavored noddle, but pretended they were worms. We had to write each sentence in our introduction separtely. Last we mark the rubric above.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Native to New Zealand

Walt: make connections across multiple texts.

Task description: By the end of the week we had to know what Native and Non-Native means. We had to fill in this presentation what Endemic, Introduced and of cause Native.   

My logo

My Logo is called New Zealand on air

Friday, 3 February 2017

About Cameras

Walt: follow instructions and present work to a high standard

Task description: To do this task we had to fill in the presentation about what a camera is. What it was use for and how to use it.